
Reiwa 3rd Autumn Awarded the Order of the Rising Sun Single Light (Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Merit)
令和3年秋の叙勲 旭日単光章受章
Former President Okamura received the Order of the Rising Sun Single Light in the fall of the 3rd year of Reiwa!

We are a company that always aims to be the top in the field of drying and roasting.

Shizuoaka Industrial Power Dissemination Project

Management Objectives

As a micro-business-type regional company, we aim to be the "future engine of the region."

[Definition of micro-business]
A small group of brains who take good care of their private lives with clever power, and regional companies that are technically leading the way and do not assume that they will grow up.

(University of the Ryukyus) 翁長健治"Regional Future Engine"



Introduction to the business

Development, design, and production of A/D (hot air and cold air drying) using microwave heating

We propose a new drying method using microwave heating and A/D.

1.Seafood dryer (drying temperature: 20 to 40 degrees Celsius)
2.Dryers for agricultural products (drying temperature: 30 to 60 degrees Celsius)
3.Dryers for industrial products (drying temperature: 40 to 80 degrees Celsius)
4.Sterilization dryer (drying temperature: 100 to 140 degrees Celsius)

Development, design and production of microwave decompression dryer sugokan

Microwave decompression dryers dry vegetables and fruits with high sugar content, such as strawberries, at room temperature for a short period of time (3-5 hours below 40 degrees Celsius).
We manufacture dried products with low dry shrinkage by reducing loss of color, flavor, and ingredients.

Development, design and manufacture of wheat and other grain roasting equipment

We develop, design, and manufacture roasting equipment such as barley tea, brown rice, and healthy tea.
The numerically managed roasting device for barley tea can roast 1 ton of wheat per hour even when operated by an inexperienced person.

Development, design and production of mozuku processing equipment

At the request of Okinawa Prefecture, we have developed a mozuku processing facility.

We design and manufacture equipment tailored to processing power.
Washing seawater sterilizers, cleaning equipment, transportation equipment, visual sorting equipment
Stirring and mixing equipment, lightweight filling equipment, drying equipment

Dedicated machines for niche industries

We are developing dedicated machines and planning and developing labor-saving equipment.

1.Blenders of other products
Development of blenders that reliably blend other varieties
2.Color sorter
Development of a device for color sorting using a camera
3.Sound difference sorter
Development of a device for sorting by frequency of collision sound
4.Packaging-related equipment
Development of raw material supply and packaging post-processing equipment
5.Development of a dedicated machine
Development of a dedicated machine for small-production items

Development of technology and acquisition of industrial property rights by utilizing the public certification system

Approval of the Management Innovation Plan

2000"Development, production, production, and sales of Green Mozuku machinery"
2006March 2007 "Development and sale of paper tube drying equipment using microwaves"
2014April 2007 "Development and sale of dryers that combine microwave heating and electric heating"
2015April 2004 "Development and sale of wheat tea and other cereal roasting machines that can optionally control the degree of swelling and roasting by swelling drying in a short period of time"
2016March 2008 "Development of automatic loading and delivery of drying trays for microwave decompression dryers and expansion of sales channels"
2017March 2006 "Development and expansion of sales channels for microwave decompressors that control dryness with about decompression and product temperature"

Certification of the New Partnership Project Plan (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

2007July 2007 "Development and commercialization of paper tubes, scallops, and mozuku drying methods using hot air drying and microwave heating"
[Collaboration destination]JF沖縄漁連(Okinawa Prefecture),日本紙管工業株式会社(Osaka Prefecture),株式会社ウイング(Shizuoka Prefecture),株式会社しんや(Hokkaido)

We have put the air flow-introduced microwave vacuum dryer into practical use for the first time in the world. We have also developed an efficient drying method that combines microwave heating with A/D (hot air and cold air drying).
Through the new collaboration project plan, we have created a network connecting Okinawa Prefecture and Hokkaido based in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Certification of the Project Plan for Collaboration between Agriculture, Commerce and Industry (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

2008September 2009 "Development and sales of half-life type using Miyakojima Mozuku"
[Collaboration destination] Miyakojima Fisheries Cooperative, Miyakojima City, Okinawa Prefecture

We commercialize and sell "Green Mozuku" made from raw mozuku that does not store salt.

Certification of regional industrial resource utilization plan (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

2014October 2007 "Development and sales of vacuum tea machines and decompression fermented tea commercialization project utilizing tea leaves in the middle mountainous area"

We have developed a vacuum tea machine to produce fermented tea with a new flavor of green tea, oolong tea style, and black tea style using Shizuoka tea as a raw material.

Resilience certification and registration number E0000019 National Resilience Contribution Organization Certification (Cabinet Secretariat)

Selected as a regional future leader (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)